
Finding Hidden Places

Falling Down the Research Hole APR 22, 2024 With all historical fiction and really most writing, you have to research. On my current manuscript, I’ve researched extensively. I had to find out much about World War II, life in the 1940’s, when transistor radios were invented and what ‘revenuers’ drove. It’s a good thing, because […]

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Book Review

Exiled South

by Harriet Cannon Lizbeth Gordon’s husband doesn’t come home one day. He dies in a one-car auto accident. That’s not the shocking part. He had a hidden gambling addiction and accumulated a large pile of debt. At least it was hidden from Lizbeth. She’s left with only answers and empty banking accounts, so she put […]

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Book Review

Big Lies in a Small Town

by Diane Chamberlain I’ve been trying to get to this book for a long time. I love to read Diane Chamberlain’s books. I love how she weaves her stories with details that reveal what’s coming, how she gives you the woman’s point of view, and how she solves her mysteries by the end of the […]

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Book Review

The Push by Ashley Audrain

This intense thriller focuses on motherhood, being a mother, being a good mother. As we get to know several generations of mothers, we see what damage one bad soul can do to their children. We read through examples of good mothers who take care other people’s children and bad mothers who can’t mother at all. […]

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Personal Essay

Three Favorite Books

I have been working through a well-known writing book called, Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Mass. His writing exercise was too hard for me. Three favorite books of all time? That’s an impossible task! I have too many favorite books to choose only three. I tried my best and came up with the three […]

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